No magic solution at the end of the biggest credit & human bubble in history | Makro Translations

Montag, 4. Dezember 2023

No magic solution at the end of the biggest credit & human bubble in history

Chart: Global debt in trillions

Debt to GDP is rising faster than Debt itself. Means the system is collapsing.

Best thing to stay sane in a bankrupt system is to ignore mainstream agenda "news". 

Ignore garbage content and people talking about trivialities in general.

Collapse is coming just read a history book. History is littered with failed systems & societies

The free for all Anti White utopia will never materialize. It will all collapse...

Most people just spew marxist hate based on fantasies. Ignore.

Physics & economics is REAL not a racist construct

The Internet is full of linear thinkers claiming their garbage is reality.

Don't fall for the false prophets/idiots

Read a history book instead. They end all the same. The system collapses.

population bubble

Chart: Biggest human bubble in history

Surpluses will be removed in the future. Populations can't grow without food surpluses. Thats when the real losses come. The weak will not survive the downsizing. Stay strong. Mentally and physically.